Drive new & repeat customers with a low-cost partnership

Grow your business with our customers.

We advertise your business to our users
We incentivise them to spend money at your business in exchange for Kite Rewards points.
You pay us for the customers we bring your way

Become a Kite Rewards Business Partner

Grow your business with Kite Rewards

Why Become a Kite Rewards Partner

Hyper Focused Marketing

Focus On Nearby Customers

Your ideal customers are near you

Boost Slow Days

Bring customers when it matters

How does the partnership work?

  • When we reach a pre-agreed upon number of users in your area

  • You pay us a pre-agreed upon monthly fee (paid 12 months upfront)

  • Since we haven't launched yet, if you agree to work with us before our official launch, you will gain access to a special price for the first year.

If we don't have users, you don't pay

We give you key insides

  • We know which users shop at your business which means we can give you a customer profile.

  • Based on our users activities we can tell you when our users are more likely to come so you can reach them with more targeted messages.

  • We can tell you which of our users are repeated customers, giving you an important inside on customer retention rates for your business.

  • Recommend promotions such as point boosting to help increase business on a slow day.

If you pay for marketing, you need key insides to help you optimise

Register your interest to become a business partner

We will get in touch to walk you through our road-map and value-proposition